Do you think that the European Union has planned enough funds to face up to the measures of the Climate Change Package?
Do you think that the European Union has planned enough funds to face up to the measures of the Climate Change Package?
The famous Stern Review reported that 1% of global GDP must be spent on tackling climate change immediately if we are to have any chance of preventing the kind of environmental and human distasters that have been widely predicted. Investment now will dramatically reduce the future costs, to the extent that for every €1 invested now we can save €5 in the future. MEPs have been pushing for the EU's climate change package to include significant financial measures for tackling climate change, both within the EU and developing countries. Everyone agrees in this principle, but the disagreement is over where this money should come from.
Should revenues from auctioning or possible penalties always be distributed for new environmental measures?
Should revenues from auctioning or possible penalties always be distributed for new environmental measures?
Socialist MEPs believe that it is important that a significant portion of auctioning revenue should be spent on tackling climate change and supporting developing countries to adapt to the impact of global warming. This revenue should also be used to tackle energy poverty in the EU where people are struggling to pay their fuel bills. In the Environment Committee vote on the Emission Trading System, MEPs called for half of the measures to be spent in the EU and half in developing countries. Although national governments agree with this principle, many do not support the earmarking of natinal revenue at a European level. A compromise between MEPs and national governments is currently being negotiated but MEPs are standing firm on their commitment to secure significant funding for new climate change measures.
Give us a super – idea to save the Planet.
Give us a super – idea to save the Planet.
Huge investment in renewable energies, for transport, housing and businesses. It will make us less dependent on imported oil and gas and reduce emissions. It´s a win win.
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