Commissionner Dimas meets
the Socialist Delegation in Poznan
12/12/08. This morning Commissioner Dimas gave us on update on discussions in Brussels and in Poznan. It has clearly been a long night for everyone. The latest compromise provided by the French Presidency are, in the views of the Commissioner quite positive, but negotiations are still ongoing. Results will be available later this morning.
On the Poznan discussions, the discussions are focussed on land use, forrestry, CCS and the legal personality of the EU in the new Protocol. The EU will also issue a declaration coming out of Poznan about what the EU is doing, to explain to others delegation like the US about the effort the EU is already making to reduce emissions. J.W.
On the Poznan discussions, the discussions are focussed on land use, forrestry, CCS and the legal personality of the EU in the new Protocol. The EU will also issue a declaration coming out of Poznan about what the EU is doing, to explain to others delegation like the US about the effort the EU is already making to reduce emissions. J.W.
Photo: Linda McAvan and Silvia Ticäu whith Commissioner Dimas
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