Interview with Ritta Myller
Socialist spokesperson on Climate Change Committee
Has the conference succeeded in making the real progress on the path towards Copenhagen that the public opinion was expecting?
Finally the most important goal for Poznan was to remind people that Copenhagen is getting closer. In order to achieve an international agreement all parties have to work really hard next year. But I have seen a true commitment here in Poznan. As a result international community now has a clear timetable for negotiations and the president has a mandate to start drafting a text.

Of course also the decision that was taken about Kyoto Protocol’s adaptation fund is very important. Since the decision was taken here, the fund will be able to receive projects in the course of 2009. For developing world this financing mechanism is crucial and I’m happy that COP 14 was able to achieve that decision. But this is by far not enough. To succeed in Copenhagen industrial countries will have to write into their own climate strategies, how we will finance climate change actions in all over the world. Earmarking of auctioning revenues in EU-ETS is already a good start.
Poznan was also important because here different parties have been able to address again their needs and worries. We are bound to get closer to an agreement if we understand our different and unique problems.

Which were the most difficult obstacles that the negotiations had to overcome?
It was difficult to proceed further because many counties are just now forming their climate policies. European Union has its own climate and energy package under discussion. And in USA there is currently the change of the whole administration. It is hard to negotiate with other parts of the world, if you are just in a process of change within your own region.

Which was the most positive contribution made by the EU Parliament Delegation?
I think that the side-events organized by EU were really good and they gathered a large audience. People seemed to be very interested in our climate and energy package.

Were the meetings with the US incoming administration up to the level of expectation that it has been raising recently?
The meetings with US delegations were really encouraging. Maybe even the most giving for me. I believe that the new US administration has a genuine will to negotiate towards a global agreement. And they are also interested in our policies. In the discussions I got an impression that our climate policies are finally not so different. Just like EU, USA is investing in renewables and clean technologies. Although not so much has happened in federal level, many states and countries have taken mandatory reduction targets. I was also happy to learn that president-elect Obama and his future administration have plans for introducing a cap and trade system, in which the general rule for allocating allowances would be auctioning.
Conclusions COP 14

The Conference ended at 3 a.m. today with an agreement on the adaptation fund (which would have legal capacity). No consensus was reached on "share of proceeds".

The UNFCCC press release:

The United Nations Climate Change Conference - Poznań, Poland ended Friday with a clear commitment from governments to shift into full negotiating mode next year in order to shape an ambitious and effective international response to climate change, to be agreed in Copenhagen at the end of 2009.
Progress was made in the area of technology with the endorsement of the Global Environment Facility’s "Poznań Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer". The aim of this programme is to scale up the level of investment by levering private investments that developing countries require both for mitigation and adaptation technologies.
"We will now move to the next level of negotiations, which involves crafting a concrete negotiating text for the agreed outcome," said the President of the conference, Polish Minister of the Environment Maciej Nowicki. Parties agreed that a first draft of the text would be available at a UNFCCC gathering in Bonn in June of 2009.
"In addition to having agreed the work programme for next year, we have cleared the decks of many technical issues," President Nowicki said. "Poznań is the place where the partnership between the developing and developed world to fight climate change has shifted beyond rhetoric and turned into real action," he said.
In that spirit, at Poznań, the finishing touches were put to the Kyoto Protocol’s adaptation fund, thereby enabling the fund to receive projects in the course of 2009. Parties agreed that the fund (CDM), fed by a share of proceeds from the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism and voluntary contributions, would have a legal capacity granting developing countries direct access. UNFCCC/CCNUCC Page 2
However, Parties were unable to reach consensus on scaling up funding for adaptation by agreeing to put a levy on the other two Kyoto mechanisms, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading.
Together with decisions aimed at streamlining and speeding up the CDM, Parties asked the CDM Executive Board to explore procedures and methodologies that would enhance regional and sub-regional distribution of projects. Parties also asked the Board to assess the implications of including carbon capture and storage projects and extending the eligibility criteria for afforestation and reforestation projects.
A key event at the conference was a ministerial round table on a shared vision for long-term cooperative action on climate change. "Governments have sent a strong political signal that despite the financial and economic crisis, significant funds can be mobilized for both mitigation and adaptation in developing countries with the help of a clever financial architecture and the institutions to deliver the financial support," said Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
"We now have a much clearer sense of where we need to go in designing an outcome which will spell out the commitments of developed countries, the financial support required and the institutions that will deliver that support as part of the Copenhagen outcome," he added.
Countries meeting in Poznań made progress on a number of issues that are important in the short run - up to 2012 - particularly for developing countries, including adaptation, finance, technology and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
In addition , the conference discussed in detail the issue of disaster management, risk assessment and insurance, essential to help developing countries cope with the inevitable effects of climate change.
Governments meeting under the Kyoto Protocol agreed that commitments of industrialized countries post-2012 should principally take the form of quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, in line with the type of emission reduction targets they have assumed for the first commitment period of the protocol.
Including the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (7 - 18 December), at least four major UNFCCC gatherings will take place next year, the first two in Bonn, Germany (29 March - 08 April and 1 - 12 June) and the third in August/September.
About the UNFCCC
With 192 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has to date 183 member Parties. Under the Protocol, 37 States, consisting of highly industrialized countries and countries undergoing the process UNFCCC/CCNUCC Page 3
of transition to a market economy, have legally binding emission limitation and reduction commitments. The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.
About the CDM
Under the CDM, projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries and contribute to sustainable development can earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits. Countries with a commitment under the Kyoto Protocol buy CERs to cover a portion of their emission reduction commitments under the Treaty. There are currently more than 1240 registered CDM projects in 51 countries, and about another 3000 projects in the project registration pipeline. The CDM is expected to generate more than 2.9 billion CERs by the time the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol ends in 2012, each equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.

Just another day at the office?

12/12/08. A contradictory week in Poznan is coming to an end. On this last day in Poland Al Gores promising “Yes we can” was contrasted by a somewhat less promising tune from Brussels.

The agreement reached by the heads of state is not in line with the ambitions promoted by the members of the European Parliament. On specific issues such as; CDM-credits accounting for more than half of the efforts undertaken by the member states, more free allowances allocated for business and a postponement of the full auctioning deadline by five years, do not really confirm the commitment we had hoped for. On the other hand the EU is close to striking a deal which will still be the most ambitious in global comparison.

Leaving it to the politicians to decide whether the answer is “yes” or “no” next week in Strasbourg, I did certainly feel privileged to be in the middle of the action.
The mornings briefing with the Council Presidency – constantly interrupted by the phone calls reporting real time updates on the developments – did give the impression of being relatively close to something bigger than you would normally find yourself dealing with.

In other words: Despite the mixed feelings about the potential outcome of all this, it did certainly not feel like just another day at the office.

Jens Joel Nielsen, political advisor, PSE

(?) We have 2 questions for you
Lors d’un débat en Plénière, vous avez souligné que l’UE ne parviendra à atteindre ses objectifs de réduction des émissions polluantes que par un engagement ferme des communautés locales. Vous pensez qu’on a tendance à les oublier dans les grandes négociations sur le climat ?
Pour réduire les émissions polluantes on a besoin des mesures prises au niveau européen, national, régional et local. Le paquet énergie-climat contient des mesures au niveau européen et au niveau national. Mais, les régions et les communautés locales sont les plus proches des citoyens. C'est là, au niveau local, oừ nous avons besoin d'une action énergique et de la fermeté. Les autorités locales ou régionales doivent prendre des mesures pour promouvoir les énergies renouvelables, l'efficience énergétique pour les bâtiments, le transport public plus propre, une meilleure utilisation des terrains, des stations pour l'épuration des eaux usées, etc. En plus, se sont les autorités publiques qui peuvent mieux contribuer à l'éducation des citoyens respectueuse à l'égard de l'environnent. Nous devons nous assurer que les autorités locales sont soutenues, à tous les niveaux, par l'accès aux moyens financiers et les informations nécessaires pour pouvoir accomplir leurs tâches.

Donnez nous une super-idée pour sauver la Planète.
Je ne détiens pas une super-idée pour sauver la Planète, mais en agissant tous ensemble on peut la sauver. Vous devez comprendre que seulement vous pouvez faire la différence. Si chaqu'un d'entre nous comprend que c'est son comportement qui compte, on va commencer à être efficace, tous ensemble, dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. On doit passer, tous ensemble, de l'observation à l'action.
Photo: Silvia A. Ticäu (à gauche) participe`aux groupes de travail organisés par le PE

EU "has started to walk the walk" on climate change

12/12/08. Brussels. Senior members of the European Parliament today said the EU was on the brink of a "historic" agreement on climate change that would open the way to a worldwide deal in Copenhagen next year.

Said Socialist Group vice-president Linda McAvan, who has responsiblity for climate change issues: "Europe has been talking the talk for a long time on climate change — but today it began to walk the walk. It seems we now have measures to deal with a wide range of climate change factors including emission trading and cars. There is still detail to resolve over the weekend but we are moving in the right direction."

Guido Sacconi, chair of the European Parliament climate change committee, said: "We are taking the first steps on a long road to a low-carbon society. Concessions have been made but we are on track to deliver the 2020 targets. "

Socialist Group leader Martin Schulz said: "We have within our grasp a deal that strikes a good balance between safeguarding jobs and acting on climate change. Members of my group played a pivotal role in securing today's progress. The Summit has taken on board many of our demands."

The Euro MPs stressed that crucial talks over the weekend still have to thrash out important details. The full European Parliament also has to approve the EU Summit deal in a Strasbourg vote on Wednesday.

Parliamentary demands accepted by the summit include: a 60 per cent cut in CO2 from cars by 2020; using half the funds from an emissions trading scheme to help developing countries tackle climate change; measures to help developing countries offset emissions; and a huge growth in the use of renewable energy.

Expectations and achievements

Elisa Ferreira

The objective of the Poznan meeting is to create momentum and set the pace for the achievement of the Bali Road Map and for a final agreement on climate in 2009.

A set of external factors could have endangered this objective, namely the transitional process in the US administration and, in particular, the recent financial crisis with major consequences in the prospects for growth and employment all over the world.

The most important, and eventually the only relevant conclusion from the Poznan meeting is the reinforcement of the prospects for a global deal in Copenhagen 2009. In fact, contrary to the initial fears and doubts, the global chances for a real deal have been reinforced rather than weakened in this COP.

The global character of the climate crisis called for global solutions and the assumed compromises by the President-elect Barack Obama and by a number of other major partners such as Brazil, Mexico, China, Norway, South Africa, among others, show that a new momentum has been created and intensified in which the EU can move from a pioneering, but rather isolated, task into a real global climate partnership capable of generating concrete and timely solutions for the global climate change combat. The EU has, until now, taken the lead on climate change but it now has the responsibility to deliver on its promises if it wants to continue ahead of the climate game as it deserves.
Photo: Elisa Ferreira and Silvia A. Ticäu (right) and Ritta Myller (left) in a working group.

Climat: le Canada est critiqué
pour son attitude à la Conférence de Poznan

LA PRESSE CANADIENNE; 12/12/88. Des groupes environnementalistes accusent le Canada de freiner les progrès à la Conférence mondiale des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques, qui se tient à Poznan, en Pologne.
Des défenseurs canadiens de l'environnement comme Steven Guilbeault, d'Equiterre, soutiennent que le Canada se sert de la crise économique mondiale comme prétexte pour réclamer la mise en place de cibles mesurées en intensité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre plutôt que des cibles de réduction absolues requises pour empêcher de dangereux changements climatiques.
Selon Dale Marshall, de la Fondation David-Suzuki, les Canadiens veulent voir des gestes concrets pour lutter contre les changements climatiques, et les principaux décideurs mondiaux assurent qu'il est possible de défendre l'environnement et l'économie en même temps, mais le Canada ne veut pas.
L'ambassadeur canadien pour les changements climatiques et négociateur en chef à Poznan, Michael Martin, nie faire de l'obstruction, et il assure que le Canada collabore activement aux discussions.
Des critiques internationales se font aussi entendre. Selon Moussa Na Abau Mamouda, de l'organisme Environnement et Développement du tiers-monde, le Canada, un des pays les plus riches du monde, bloque les progrès pendant qu'on se bat déjà contre les conséquences dévastatrices des changements climatiques. Selon lui, les pays industrialisés comme le Canada devraient plutôt faire preuve de leadership.
Le ministre fédéral de l'Environnement, Jim Prentice, doit prendre la parole à Poznan, ce jeudi, pour préciser la position du Canada.
“Yes, we can!” says Al Gore

12/12/08. Poznan. Stealing the words that drove President-Elect Barack Obama to victory, former Vice-President Al Gore left us with a clear message that the climate and the survival of the planet is in all our hands and that the time to act is now for there will come a point of no return if we delay action. He believes that we can fight this and that it is up to world leaders to make a stand in delivering the measures needed.

I came to Poznan with mixed feelings, being my first COP I was excited to be around so many climate-minded people and politicians from all over the world. Everyone is here because they care about the survival of our planet and everyone came with a purpose to listen and to act.

However, after many months of hard work on the EU climate change package I have become frustrated with the contradicting messages that our world leaders are expressing and the weakening of action in relation to the message. They say they want to, and will, act but cannot do it at the substantial levels promised and expected by giving the financial crisis and incoming recession as some of the reasons. Other countries want more and more money from developed countries before even considering reducing their emissions and others just want to survive, like Tuvalu, a nation in the South pacific that is being slowly losing its battle against the rising oceans. I say that Tuvalu has the right to survive and it should not have to suffer from the mistakes and inactions of the developed countries!

The EU promised two years ago to lead where the US would not and worked on a package to deliver that message. However, money speaks louder than words and some of our leaders have put a break on climate action in order to give way to growth and jobs, but nowhere in the book does it state that the two cannot be compatible! The time is at hand to use the financial crisis as the tool to fight climate change! Instead of giving money to the pollutants and the banks that caused the problem in the first place, it is time to create green jobs and green economies; it is time for world leaders to put their money where their mouth is!

I want to be proud of what Europe is doing in the fight against climate change but Europe cannot go it alone, if there are better solutions and alternatives available it is for the EU to listen and others to show the way as well. It is time for the US to step up and join the rest of the world in this global fight. No nation is more important than another, as no human or animal is either; the climate is a global issue therefore it is global action that is needed, all countries must unite instead of sitting in the background waiting for others to act or ready to point a finger when action is not met. I want to leave Poznan with the feeling that this message has not only been heard but will be followed. As the Youth Forum clearly shouted in the halls of the COP, “survival is non-negotiable” and I do hope WE CAN fight this together!

Filipa Rodrigues
Parliamentary Assistant PES
We have 3 questions for you

All sectors of production need change structures and management in a sustainable way, but agriculture has to make a real effort in order not to use pollutant substances. Is it already possible nowadays?
Agricultural production in Europe is - as most sectors - not yet sustainable. We need binding targets for the reduction of green house gas emissions from the agricultural sector, and we need a reduction of the use of dangerous chemical in our food production. And both aims are possible nowadays. European farmers simply have to compete globally on the high quality of the food production and not by compromising on environmental or animal welfare aspects.

One of the major problems with the EU environmental policy is that it is not being implemented uniformly in the individual countries. Do you think than we have a right level in protection of the environment through criminal law in Europe?
The European environmental legislation is not sufficiently implemented. And unfortunately we see large differences across member states. In some member states business is not really punished for breaching EU environmental law. But I hope we have now solved the problem. This year the Socialists - and I as the rapportuer for the environment committee - worked hard to secure the adoption of a new framework for the protection of environment through criminal law.
This means that from now on serious environmental offenses will be prosecuted as a criminal offense - all over Europe.

Give us a super – idea to save the Planet.
You can do something every day by saving energy whenever you can. But politicians are responsible to deliver the framework and not everybody is willing to vote for change. We need to change our way of production and only the Socialists have had the courage to say that reduction of CO2 is not contrary to job creation and growth. The best idea is probably to vote for the European Socialists :-)

Knowing you

Who is she ?
Elisa Ferreira comes from Porto (Portugal). She is Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the Partido Socialista. Graduate in economics (University of Oporto, 1977); M.A. and Ph.D. (University of Reading, UK, 1981 and 1985 respectively). Minister for the Environment (1995-1999); Minister for Planning (1999-2002). Member of the Assembly of the Republic (2002-2004); Vice-Chair of the parliamentary party of the PS (2002-2003).
Curriculum vitae:

What is she working on at the EP?

Elisa Ferreira coordinator of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, and she is a substitute member of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change.

What does she think about…?
"Europe has been a global leader in the fight against the worsening of climate change. However, in order to be credible and achieve the proposed objectives, it must reinforce the coherence of its various policies on this issue. In particular, a European trade policy must not and cannot be forgotten.
In the European Union, meeting the climate change objectives requires an effective effort to reduce carbon emissions which will in turn impact on the conditions of production and the respective costs of an increasing number of productive sectors. We need to find a balance between the environment, including climate change, and trade which will guarantee a collective, proportional and equitable effort, without excluding anyone, particularly not the main global trade partners. A new balance between the development of the vast impoverished areas of the globe and the planet’s survival must be quickly found through dialogue, mutual respect and determination faced with converging objectives. The effort must be global".

Debate : Trade and Climate Change. 2O November 2007.

(? )
We have 3 questions for you

Are you in favour to include aviation and maritime transport in the European Emission Trade System?
Yes, the European Parliament has proposed to include both aviation and maritime in the European Emissions Trading System (ETS). At the moment, it has been agreed in Council to maintain the current Directive on Aviation, passed last year and in relation to maritime it has been agreed to implement it into to the system by 2013 or earlier in case an agreement is reached by the International Maritime Agency agrees on an earlier date. In these sectors like in many others it is important that effective internal reductions by the EU-based enterprises are matched with equivalent and proportionate efforts by all the major partners in the world, which can only be achieved with a major diplomatic effort by the EU in that sense.

Is the European Union doing the best concerning deforestation and forest degradation and biodiversity loss?
There is a lot of progress still to be made in what concerns the practical inclusion of these strategic issues in the overall climate package. These issues are, nevertheless, gaining momentum in the climate negotiations in Poznan and it is important that before Copenhagen an effective proposal with adequate financial support favouring the involvement of most vulnerable countries is put in place capable of overcoming their financial weaknesses. Most importantly, we need a proposal that is accessible and refutes red tape policy.

Give us a super-idea to save the Planet.
Don’t compromise the planet, make serious compromises on how to save it and act on it - at home, abroad, and at political level! Go back to what has been promised before: Human rights declaration, Millennium Development Goals and see what has been done for these, if not enough, then go back, improve them and DELIVER;
It is within all of us to do our part for the planet, to use the old time cliché – action is stronger than words – so ACT!

French Presidency Briefing: Brussels calling!

12/12/08. Socialist MEPs met on Friday morning with Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet , the State Secretary for the environment took place in the Presidency meeting room, which is a carbon copy of a Council of Ministers meeting room, transplanted to Poznan.

The Minister provided MEPs an update on the negotiations in Brussels, which have this morning resumed on the climate change package, as well as other issues. She explained the difficulties the Presidency have had to find a deal, and how the Presidency have undertaken to find a solutions to meet the concerns of Germany, Hungary, the United Kingdom and other countries. However, there is still no deal at this point (11:30 hrs CET). Meanwhile, MEPs who will be directly involved in negotiations in Brussels on Saturday, are getting ready to leave Poznan.

The French Presidency appear to be quietly confident to find a deal, but as the meeting unfolded, mobile calls from Brussels (we assume) kept interrupting the discussions. Two questions still underlie this deal: does the package retain the environmental integrity required to reduce emissions and will the Parliament support the deal? J.W.

Knowing you

Who is she?
Silvia-Adriana Ticäu comes from Galati (Romania). She is a Member of the European Parliament for the Partidul Social Democrat – PSD. Master of Business Administration, Open University Business School (UK, 1996-2001). Faculty of Mathematics, Alexandru Ion Cuza University (Iaşi, 1991-1996). Minister of Communications and Information Technology (2004). State Secretary for Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2001-2004).
Curriculum vitae:

What is she working on at the EP?
Silvia A. Ticäu is the Vice-President of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, Vice-president
And she is a member in the Temporary Committee on Climate Change.

What does she think about…?
"Climate change already affects the European Union. In recent years, Romania, for instance, has been affected by drought, floods and hot weather. Some areas in Romania’s South and Southeast region have started to turn into desert. The Union has undertaken an important role in the fight against climate change both as regards the reduction of causes and the adjustment to climate change.
The Lisbon Treaty includes provisions on climate change and I also appreciate here the clause of solidarity in case of natural disasters. Unfortunately, global governance in the field of environmental protection is decentralized and sometimes the coherence of overall decisions is lacking; 18 multilateral institutions are responsible with monitoring approximately 500 international agreements, of which 300 at regional level. The European Union has to have the role of leader in this field.
There are solutions. We need coherent actions on climate change, more ecological transport, research and development programmes, to adapt agriculture to adequate water consumption, reforestation and, especially, better waste management
Debate: Scientific facts of climate change. 21 May 2008 – Strasbourg

How to contact her:


2005, l'avenir commence maintenant
12/12/08. Sous le titre « 2050, l’avenir commence maintenant; développer une nouvelle politique intégrée de l’UE sur le changement climatique », le Parlement Européen a organisé une table ronde dans le cadre de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique (COP 14). Il est évident que les choix qu’on a fait aujourd’hui sont fondamentaux pour l’avenir.

L’Union Européenne joue un rôle stratégique au niveau mondial. La nouvelle Présidence américaine est considérée comme un allié majeur pour réduire le réchauffement globale, investir en nouvelles technologies et améliorer l’emploi.

Les politiques climatiques sont au cœur des politiques européennes : la crise financière ne doit pas ralentir le processus d’achèvement des objectifs 20/20/20. Les politiques climatiques structurées sont le moteur propulseur pour sortir de la crise.

Le monde scientifique, représenté par le Dr Hare de l’Institut de Recherche sur l’impact du changement climatique, Guido Sacconi, le Président de la Commission Temporaire du PE, Karlz Florenz, le rapporteur du dossier sur le changement climatique, et le Commissaire Stravos Dimas, sont d'avis de la nécessité d'un accord sous responsabilité européenne avant Copenhague. Nous n'avons pas le temps. Nous devons être pragmatiques et, pour commencer, adopter le paquet qui fait l’objet des discussions au Conseil Européen depuis hier.
Francesca Lazzaroni, PSE asistant

Ritta Myller
Reinforce job creation through climate change measures

“The EP Temporary Committee on Climate Change has finished its work with the adoption of the Florenz report. As Socialists, we are very happy with the results as it ensures that our negotiations in Copenhagen will be successful”.

“In our report, we worked by areas as in Poznan. We have been considering the issue of climate change from all the policy perspectives as a global issue, creating all kind of initiatives, particularly those that can reinforce job creation in this field ”.

“ The Council is currently also making decisions on the climate change package. Our message from Poznan is to demand more flexibility on the main points as auctioning. Member States have to make an effort for fighting climate change”.

Commissionner Dimas meets
the Socialist Delegation in Poznan
12/12/08. This morning Commissioner Dimas gave us on update on discussions in Brussels and in Poznan. It has clearly been a long night for everyone. The latest compromise provided by the French Presidency are, in the views of the Commissioner quite positive, but negotiations are still ongoing. Results will be available later this morning.
On the Poznan discussions, the discussions are focussed on land use, forrestry, CCS and the legal personality of the EU in the new Protocol. The EU will also issue a declaration coming out of Poznan about what the EU is doing, to explain to others delegation like the US about the effort the EU is already making to reduce emissions.
Photo: Linda McAvan and Silvia Ticäu whith Commissioner Dimas

U.S. raises hopes for climate change deal
12/12/08. Socialist Euro MPs attending the Poznan climate change talks in Poland today voiced optimism for progress following a meeting with the leader of the US Senate Delegation, John Kerry.

Said Socialist spokeswoman Riitta Myller after the meeting: “I am pleased to hear that USA is ready to live up to its responsibilities. The European Union is not alone any more in leading the fight against climate change.

“The role of the USA is crucial in the negotiations to find a global agreement.”

Ms Myller said Senator Kerry’s key message was that there are good chances of reaching a global climate agreement in Copenhagen next year.

She added that Mr Kerry told the European Parliament delegation the new US administration is committed to the global climate negotiations but said other nations have to act as well. He stressed that it is impossible to achieve the cuts that scientists say are needed without China, one of the world’s largest emitters of carbon dioxide, she said.

Our Future lies in your hands!

11/12/08. We have built our growth on extensive use of coal, thus creating the climate change problem. This is no longer an option. Nor for north, but neither for south. That’s how you can sum up the presentation by Mr Sivan Kartha from Stockholm Institute, who was kind to meet with parliament delegation today, and informed us about the report “The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework”, in which Mr. Kartha is a key-author.

He stated clearly that both north and south have to transfer their economies and societies into low-carbon ones soon, as time is running out.

The question is who pays. And Mr Kartha with his group has presented a proposal for “burden sharing” at a global level. The model is based on calculation of the income level of the country combined with the level of emissions released by that country. What is left, is the burden of the country in question. When calculated like this, it is clear that the industrial and rich countries have to be the burden carriers. We have to reduce our own emissions and at the same time finance the reductions and investments in developing world. It is a question of fairness and solidarity, as also developing countries have a right to develop and survive. And that is why we have to help them financially to transfer their economies to low-carbon as well.

When listening to Mr Sivan Kartha, I couldn’t help reflecting on what he said, and contrasting it to the speech by the prime minister of Tuvalu, Mr. Apisai Ielemia, in the opening ceremony of COP 14. The prime minister said: “Our future is in your hands. We haven’t caused this problem and we can’t solve it by ourselves. Combating climate change is also a question of human rights. We are a proud nation and country that has a right to exist. So we need action from you.”

I got the feeling that in the audience lot of people nodded their heads – this is what we know, this is what we have to do. But as the Head-secretary of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon told us in the same opening ceremony: we know what to do. Whether we do it, is a question of leadership.

Venla Virkamäki
Assistant to MEP Riitta Myller

de gens, croisement
de chemins

La Conférence sur le Changement Climatique constitue, d’une certaine façon, un cadre où se mélangent toutes les couleurs et tous les accents de gens venus des quatre coins de la Planète.

Dans l’allée centrale, toutes les organisations représentées dans cette grande rencontre des Nations Unies se sont installées dans de petits stands, déployant leurs brochures et les informations sur leurs activités et prétentions pour un monde plus durable.

Andrea, une jeune nord-américaine appartenant à une ONG pour la protection de la forêt, répète son parcours infatigablement proposant son matériel au papier recyclé, bien entendu. « Les parties qui sont présentes à cette Conférence n’ont malheureusement pas encore compris qu’il faut compter sur les populations indigènes pour toute politique d’aménagement de la forêt », nous explique Andrea. « Saviez-vous qu'au Congo, 60% des habitants, c'est-à-dire quelques 40 millions de personnes, sont indigènes et forêt-dépendants ? Tenez, lisez-le sur mon article dans « Eco » d’aujourd’hui » (la gazette des ONG à Poznan).

Trois stands plus tard nous croisons Didier G., employé cadre pour une multinationale de produis chimiques. À la question de ce que fait un représentant de l’industrie probablement la plus polluante dans ce genre de Conférence, il nous répond tout net : « du lobbysme, pur et dur ».

Mais cette fois , plutôt que d’exercer la pression sur les institutions et les gouvernements, il agit d’une façon différente : « Nous sommes venus les prier de se mettre d’accord une fois pour toutes ». « Le secteur privé a besoin de savoir à quoi s’en tenir ; nous ne pouvons pas planifier nos investissements du jour au lendemain. Nous avons besoin que les objectifs définitifs soient fixés pour pouvoir commencer à travailler ». « Je vous parle en toute sincérité, s'il y a encore un seul PDG qui n’a pas encore changé le chip vers une production plus soutenable, c’est clair qu’il se trompe de tactique ».

Soudan, Didier nous dit au revoir et, vite fait, s’en va vers le stand présidé par une affiche qui annonce « Le fossile de la journée ». En fait, dans quelques minutes, une des ONG présentes va annoncer qui sera le pays nominé aujourd’hui au trophée du plus polluant ou " le plus néfaste pour l’environnement " . Cette semaine, le prix a déjà été décerné à la France, à l’Allemagne et évidemment, aux États-Unis. I.P.

La cérémonie d’ouverture fait la salle pleine à craquer

Au cas où vous souhaitiez serrer la main au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, M. Ban Ki-moon ou se faire photographier avec le Président polonais, M. Kaczyński, il ne fallait surtout pas rester sous la couette très longtemps ce matin. Moi, je n’avais aucune de ces ambitions matinales notée dans mon journal intime. Mon intention était tout à fait autre. J’ai simplement désiré m’asseoir sur une chaise, avoir une vue dégagée sur les invités de haut niveau et écouter leurs discours musclés en faveur d’une protection commune de notre planète.

Et à vrai dire, mon souhait s'est réalisé. J’ai tout entendu : des promesses, des plans, des urgences, des actions … et du coup, l’intervention la plus burlesque résonant à travers la plénière, celle du Président polonais Kaczyński. Il a parlé d’une Pologne engagée à 150% dans la lutte contre le changement climatique respectant tous ses engagements environnementaux….etcétéra … etcétéra.

Après cette intervention politico-acrobatique, sur la tribune apparaît M. Ivo de Boer, le secrétaire exécutif de la convention des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CNUCC). Impressionnant ! Virtuose de parole qui insiste à répétition sur les engagements du plan d’action de Bali. Mais pourquoi donc? Voulait-il nous faire déchiffrer quelque chose ? A nous de le découvrir en 2009 à Copenhague. I.H.

Ban Ki-moon: la réponse à la crise
doit faire progresser sur le climat

ROMANDIE NEWS POZNAN POZNAN (Pologne) - La réponse à la crise économique doit faire progresser les objectifs en termes de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, a estimé jeudi à Poznan le secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon.
"Notre réponse à la crise économique doit faire progresser les objectifs sur le climat et notre réponse à la crise climatique fera progresser nos objectifs économiques et sociaux", a estimé M. Ban dans un discours devant l'assemblée plénière de la Conférence de l'ONU sur le climat qui rassemble plus de 12.000 délégués et ministres de quelque 190 pays, à Poznan, ouest de la Pologne.
"Oui, la crise économique est grave. Pourtant, lorsqu'on parle de changement climatique, les enjeux sont encore plus importants", a-t-il souligné.
"La crise climatique a un impact sur la prospérité du monde et la vie des peuples, à la fois aujourd'hui dans un avenir lointain", a-t-il ajouté.
Une centaine de ministres de l'Environnement étaient présents jeudi à Poznan pour mettre sur orbite d'ici vendredi soir la négociation du futur accord climatique qui relaiera le Protocole de Kyoto, dont les premiers engagements expirent en 2012.
Conformément à la "Feuille de route de Bali" qu'elle a adoptée l'an dernier, la communauté internationale souhaite aboutir à un accord en décembre 2009 à Copenhague. (AFP / 11 décembre 2008 10h37)

Silvia A. Ticau

"Je suis sûre que nous arriverons à un accord"

« Le paquet climatique est l'un des dossiers les plus importants de cette législature, pas seulement pour l’Europe, mais pour le monde entier ».
«Nous devons tenir compte des spécificités de chaque pays. Certains Etats membres ont besoin d’une certaine flexibilité. Nous avons fait déjà de grands efforts et nous voulons être à la hauteur d’une production plus efficace et respectueuse de l’environnement ».
« Nous avons besoin de faire d 'importants investissements . C’est pour cette raison qu’il nous faut également une certaine flexibilité, afin de pouvoir bien nous adapter à cette législation . Je suis sûre que nous arriverons à un accord».

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Knowing you

Who is he?
Giulietto Chiesa was born in Acqui Terme (AL). He is a Member of the Socialist Group for Independenti (Italy). Professional journalist since 1981; Moscow correspondent, first of all, for 'L'Unità' (1980) then for 'La Stampa' (1990); Fellow of the Wilson Centre of Washington - Kennan Institute for advanced Russian Studies (1989-1990).
Curriculum vitae:

What is he working on at the EP?
Giulietto Chies ais a Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and a substitute Member of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change.

What does he think about…?
“(…) Globalisation does not just make victims of developing countries, but also of countries in Europe. The main victims of globalisation have been the populations of those developing countries where the abolition of tariffs by the WTO has not had any tangible effect. However, there are sadly victims in Europe, too, where the living conditions of many Europeans have dramatically worsened. There are no jobs, or they do not pay enough, or they are no longer secure.
The welfare state and social security are in crisis. The Globalisation Adjustment Fund is important, insofar as it sends out a positive message, but unfortunately this is more or less just a symbolic message. The appropriations are not actually sufficient to meet the ambitious objectives stated, and the number of workers that will be able to be helped – between 35 000 and 50 000 – is also more or less symbolic. We can therefore expect the Fund to be spread here, there and everywhere, leaving the many applicants empty-handed”.
Debate: Establishing the European Globalisation adjustment Fund. 12 December 2006. Strasbourg

How to contact him:

Joint event on the climate change package

11/12/08. Poznan. The joint EP/Presidency/Commission event on the EU climate change package began with speech by Commissioner Dimas ensuring that no matter how the negotiations in Brussels on the 11th and 12th of December will turn out, "the integrity of environmetal goals of the Climate Package will remain intact". By this Commissioner seemed to be referring mainly to emissions trading scheme as his main point was to stress that auctioning will be the main way of distributing the emission allowances in the EU. He said this was giving price to the emissions which is of course absolutely true, but I must say that his statement could not wipe out my concerns over what will be the overall environmental integrity of the Package after Saturday as the EU Summit is over.
Commissioner Dimas insisted in his speech that he could not think of an option of not having an agreement on the Climate Package after the EU summit. He was ensuring the audience in this meeting space at Poznan that not finding a compromise in Brussels was not an alternative. But the way I see it, EU's credibility at the international climate negotiations at Poznan is not dependend on just about finding a compromise in the Summit during the following two days. It is also about what the compromise contains.
The Raporteurs of the different dossiers of the Climate package were the other speakers at the event. They were also saying that the parliament must see what is left in the bucket after the summit. The raporteur on ETS dossier, Avril Doyle, clearly stated in her spiritful speech that ”there is no way I will rubberstamp what comes out of the summit.”. The raporteur on CCS, Chris Davies said flat out concerning his dossier that he was worried how the Summit would end up. I think that this was clear message from the European Parliament that after doing 11 months of comprehensive work, the parliament is not prepaired to accept just any result of the Summit.
As the Commissioner Dimas said, lets wait for 2 days and see what happens..
Jenny Lindborg, Assistant to MEP Riitta Myller

Climate change and gender

“(…) In Africa it is estimated that 80 per cent of food production is managed by woman. An analysis by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that the worst impacts of climate change will be on the poorest regions and the poorest people, who have the fewest resources for meeting the changes brought by increasing droughts, floods or storms. As many as 70 per cent of these poor people are women.
(…) We urge governments, relevant international organisations and financing institutions to cooperate and: nominate female and male delegates to climate meeting, include climate change and gender as an item on the agendas of relevant high-level meetings, draw active attention to the gender-related impacts on climate change and to the positive role women could play in influencing climate change and to contribute effectively at local levels, e.g. through sustainable agriculture, forest and water management, and increasing the use of renewable energy’.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

We have 2 questions for you
After your experience on the CARS CO2 document, one of the trickiest parts of the climate package, do you think that the industry has seriously got to grips with its new important role? In your view, when the 'Climate Change' package comes into force, will this create an opportunity for job creation and solid sustainable growth?

The CO2 Regulation is one of the most significant achievements that the EU will bring at the Poznan Conference. It is one more reason to approve by December the whole climate package. I am sure that the private and the public will work hand in hand in the next years to fully implement these objectives, which are so important for our planet, competitiveness and growth. We have reached a good compromise that meets the needs of the environment as well as those of our economy. Considerable economic and social benefits can be expected of this climate change package, in terms of investments in research and the development of low-carbon technologies, thus helping to create and maintain long-term jobs in Europe’s industries.
The rich counties, blamed of this environmental situation, shall be obliged to give revenues to a dedicated international fund for climate change measures in developing countries. This is a possible solution for a better planet.
Finding the right room…

10/12/08. Our first full day in Poznan is at an end. We know how to get to the Conference centre (by hybrid bendy bus) and how to get around the venue (each meeting room is a designated animal) we had meetings in the Ermine, Woodpecker and Lynx rooms. My favorite room was the bat! We still have not seen the centre of Poznan yet, maybe we will find time tomorrow.
Seriously though, Members are beginning to arrive. We met a US Republican Congressman who was not too positive about the possibility of having a global ‘cap and trade’ system. We also met representatives from the FAO who were in Poznan to push for agriculture in the climate change agreements as global populations will increase and more food will be needed. However, on the issue of biofuels, the FAO could not provide solutions to the dilemma of land use for more food or more biofuels.

After a busy day which ended in the EU pavilion, the joint EP/Presidency/Commission event on the EU climate change package was full! Clearly events in Brussels are very much in the thoughts of delegates here in Poznan… J.W.

(photo section)
Photo 1 Joint EP-Presidency-Commission side-event
Photo 2 Frozen Oscars


10/12/08. Poznan-. Le président de la commission temporaire sur le changement climatique du PE, Guido Sacconi, s'est exprimé aujourd'hui devant la presse lors de la présentation des travaux de la délégation du Parlement Européen à la conférence de Poznam.
Guido Sacconi, qui a présenté également les travaux du Parlement Européen concernant le paquet « Climat », a déclaré que « «si le paquet n'est finalement pas adopté, ceci incomberait au Conseil et non au Parlement Européen, ce dernier ayant fournit un travail considérable sur le sujet ».
Le commissaire de l'environnement Stavros Ddimas, qui a participé à la conférence de presse avec la délégation européenne, a applaudi le Parlement Européen pour le travail accompli dans le paquet « Climat » et a remercié les efforts que le Parlement Européen a apporté à la Commission afin d'aboutir à un compromis.

Communiqué de presse du Groupe Socialiste au PE
Californie deviendra-t-elle une muse climatique pour Obama?

10/12/08. Poznan. Californie fait la différence! Et non seulement par son climat méditerranéen particulier et par ses vins célestes, mais aussi par ses actions consacrées à la réduction des ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre. C’est un sentiment général qui nous ont fait ressentir les représentants de l’Administration du gouverneur Schwarzenegger à l’issue de la réunion de cet après-midi.

Les efforts employés afin de réduire leurs émissions de CO2 sont considérables si nous les comparons avec d’autres États d’Amérique. Et ce n’est pas tout. Ils sont en train de concevoir un système similaire d’échanges de quotas d’émissions pour pouvoir le relier avec le système européen. Bravo ! Et finalement encore un chiffre qui pourrait faire rêver l’Europe : 30% en énergies renouvelables, c’est un des objectifs ambitieux à atteindre en 2020 par l'État de Californie ! I. H.

Briefing du Commissaire Dimas

10/12/08. Poznan. Le Commissaire Stravost Dimas s'est exprimé ce matin devant de la Délégation du PE - il avait cependant la tête à Bruxelles. En effet, tout le paquet législatif sur le changement climatique doit passer au Conseil tandis que les europarlamentaires attendent un geste de la part des chefs de gouvernement qui puisse donner une suite positive aux derniers trilogues de samedi matin.

Sans entrer pas trop dans les détails et sans donner des indications claires sur les objectifs (targets), Dimas s’est montré convaincu que le paquet sera approuvé avant la fin fin de l’année. « Le plus positif de tout le travail de ces jours c’est que personne ne remet en question les objectifs du 20-20-20, donc, même s’il faut encore faire un effort pour les détails, je suis sûr que nous allons réussir ».

Stravos Dimas a insisté sur la nécessité d’avancer dans les questions du financement. « Nous avons besoin de l’argent qui puisse nous garantir d'être à l’hauteur de nos compromis au niveau international ».

Mais les eurodéputés s’inquiètent fort sur les dernières rumeurs concernant les intentions supposées de certains membres du Conseil d'arriver un accord qui laisserait, pour les entreprises, entre 80 et 85 pour cent de droits d’émission libres de tout paiement ou mise aux enchères.

En ce qui concerne l’aide aux pays en développement, le Commissaire a été très clair : « Investir dans les projets destinés aux pays en voie de développement ne peut que bénéficier l’UE ». En ce domaine, Stavros Dimas considère qu’il y a, ici à Poznan, une bonne prédisposition de la part de tous les gouvernements qu’il a entendu lors des différents Groupes de Travail organisés par l’ONU cette semaine. « C’est comme si on entendait partout yes, we can on climate change », a conclu le commissaire. I.P.
Meeting with the Executive Director of UNEP

Meeting Achim Steiner, who runs UNEP, was very useful. Far from being an environmentalist ideologue, Mr Steiner was pragmatic about the need to make sure that climate change is part of normal economic planning - particularly since the financial crisis has taken over policy discussions.

For him, the New Green deal is about transitioning all economies, new and old to a green economy. It is about jobs, and economic growth, but also about incentivising economic growth to ensure that it is green growth and green technology. Here the role of government at local and global is to introduce both market based instruments and legislation. He quoted new research that job creation for the world poor will not take place in the 'old' industrial sectors such as steel and cars but in new sectors in the environmental sector. As for Poznan, the issue under discussion here is financing adaptation, forestry and new technologies and of course reduction targets. J.W.
Échange des vues avec la ministre australienne du changement climatique

Poznan, 10/12/08. Ce matin, notre délégation du Parlement européen a rencontré Mme Penny Wong, la ministre australienne du changement climatique afin de partager les expériences sur la lutte contre le changement climatique en Australie. Elle fait le point sur les efforts entrepris récemment dans ce domaine depuis les élections générales en Australie en 2007, le nouveau gouvernement progressiste a tourné la page et a finalement rejoint ‘le club’ des pays qui ont ratifié le protocole de Kyoto.

Selon la ministre, l’Australie souhaite de coopérer étroitement avec l’UE sur les questions de l’atténuation, de l’adaptation et bien entendu envisage à être la partie entière à l’accord d’après-2012.

Les priorités de son gouvernement sont notamment d’établir un futur système d’échanges des quotas des émissions, similaire à celui de l’UE, d’augmenter la production des énergies renouvelables (géothermique et solaire) de 20% en 2020 ou bien encore de financer des projets liés aux forets. Sur la question du développement potentiel de l’énergie nucléaire en Australie, la ministre a souligné que son gouvernement n’envisageait surtout pas de prendre cette direction. En ce qui concerne la dégradation du corail, elle imposera bientôt aux agriculteurs des restrictions de l’utilisation intensive des fertilisants. Pour le secteur de transport, son intention serait d’imposer une taxe élevée environnementale sur le carburant.

Igor Hornak. PSE Administrator