Fighting for a just transition towards green jobs

Today Euro MPs Marita Ulvskog, Dan Jorgensen, Linda McAvan and Kriton Arsenis met trade unions from Europe, Africa and Latin America to discuss the ITUC's campaign for 'Just transition towards green jobs'

The trade unions updated MEPs on the status of the negotiations. They are fighting to get this language into the agreement on shared vision.

Discussion on biofuels with Brazilian Parliamentarians

S&D MEPs discussed the EU and Brazilian MPs today in the Espaço Brasil in the Cancun Messe at the Climate talks. They tackled the issue of bioethanol.

As consumption of bioethanol increases across on the world, Brazil has to increase yields to meet supply. Brazil is working to develop biofuel technology to use across the world. Compulsory and mandatory targets are needed, particularly in the area of mitigation. A second generation biofuel is still a long way off. So for now, Brazil is trying to meet the demand of bioethanol.

On climate change mitigation, Brazil would like to see a second commitment period to Kyoto Protocol is critically important. In terms of working with other BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, India and China), each country will work independently, but in a globalised world. These countries will share technology and work together. Copenhagen created awareness in Brazil on the issue of climate change. The fact that Europe is in Cancun and is sitting with countries like Brazil confirms that mobilisation of countries is needed to resolve climate change.

Careful optimism

The Delegation got briefed on the lastest developments of the negotiations by the Commission. The tone of the COP16 conference is careful optimism - the key word being balance. The Mexican presidency is doing everything they can to ensure an inclusive conference. However, discussions are fragile, and that today is critical. A new text on both tracks have been published, and the day has been spent analysing the text, and giving first feedback. 

Later today, the presidency had a meeting with different leaders to get a view on the different positions of each country. The discussion was constructive apart from Bolivia who walked out of the meeting. No other countries followed. The discussion centered on the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and whether there will be a legally binding agreement in the future or not. 

Countries are listening and beginning to state their positions. The key countries to watch in the next 24 hours are China, Japan, US, Russia and South Africa . But it is still early days...

Photo credit: European Parliament

We meet Mexican members of Parliament

The meeting with Mexican "congresistas" was a very warm and friendly. The discussion focussed on the role of parliamentarians in pushing climate mitiagation and adaptation policy.  In addition, everyone agreed that it is clear that the role of the host parliamentarian is key to help the negotiation process.

Though the outcome is uncertain, negotiations are finally progressing. By Kriton Arsenis

The replacement of Dutch Yvo De Boer with Cost Rican Christiana Figueres as the new UNFCC Executive Secretary and Denmark with Mexico as the country hosting the conference, makes a difference in the climate change negotiations. The sense of trust which had collapsed in Copenhagen has to a significant degree been re-established in Cancun. From the first week, issues which have been in deadlock for years have started being solved. The negotiations are being freed from the details and are focusing on the most important issues at hand.

The negotiating texts that the Mexican Presidency has submitted form a commonly accepted basis for discussion. The Mexicans have avoided the mistakes of the Danish Presidency, which regarded the outcome of Copenhagen as a decision to be taken by the most powerful States of the planet and negotiated behind closed doors. Mexico is implementing an open system of negotiations, which is transparent and all inclusive. This is therefore the most positive outcome from Copenhagen; that the developed countries realized that even the poorest country on Earth needs to be heard if the sought after agreement is to be achieved.

This also entails a cost. The lowest common denominator and solutions on which all countries can agree on are not sufficient to combat Climate Change. Achievements from previous stages of the negotiations regarding the rights of indigenous peoples, the protection of biodiversity and many other issues of environmental importance within the proposed solutions for tackling Climate Change are being lost. The texts of the agreement contain an ever growing number of flexible terms of commitments which focus on the creation of financial products and are inadequate for the tackling of Climate Change.

However, this could be less important then not achieving an agreement. Maybe many of us did indeed envision a complete change of our world through this agreement and have asked for things that are hard to digest by all the countries of our planet. The important thing is that all countries realize that we need to act together in order to combat this man-made threat. If we manage to reach an agreement, reality will force us to gradually correct any inadequacies this agreement may entail.

In Cancun, we hope that the final agreement will start maturing. Few decisions are likely to be taken here. However, the negotiating texts have started becoming more and more widely accepted.

Briefing with the European Commission

The chief negotiator, Arthur Runge-Metzger (director of Climate Policy Division of the European Commission) gave the EP Delegation an update on negotiations to date.

Progress in the negotiations made mainly in the different technical aspects of the Kyoto Protocol. These include issues like the base year for emission reduction will be 1990; there has been progress on LUCLUF, on technical aspects of the CDMs and possible progress on the length of the second commitment period (5 or 8 years) .

However, nothing will be agreed until the LCA track makes progress in terms of emission reduction pledges until a decision can be made on the future of Kyoto protocol (despite Japan’s reluctance for a second period). Japan wants US and China in the deal not out of the deal: this is what Japanese explained to our MEPs in a later meeting between the EP Delegation and the Japanese Diet. So for now, a plan of next year’s actions will need to be discussed. A small group of negotiators will meet on Wednesday to hammer out the negotiations.

Learning about REDD+: A morning in the Yucatan rainforest.

Our MEPs spent time in the Yucatan rain forest with local Mayan Community leaders. The reason for this visit: to understand how a REDD+ project works in practice. The key for success is for local communities to manage forests sustainably.

Members discussed the rights of local and indigenous populations, the need to protect the forest, but also to look after it, remove old wood (to prevent forest fires) and plant new trees. The challenge is to ensure that there is government support for these projects and that community based REDD+ project also allow a commercial sustainable forest management – in order to allow local populations to have a small income.

Kriton Arsenis speaks with Much' Kanan K'aax local community leader 
Euro MPs learned about how the local Mayan population live within the ecosystem in which they live in, and about the unique Mayan stingless bee – a source of income as well as crucial part of the local bio-system

Time to find balance in the negotiation process

Dan Jorgensen and Christiana Figueres. Photo credit: Susana González/EP

Despite travel difficulties getting to Cancun, everyone has now arrived in Cancun safely. Jo Leinen, opened the meeting of the Delegation today by reminding everyone that the resolution adopted on 25 November 2010 formed the basis of the EP’s position at COP16. The rest of the day has been spent updating MEPs on the state of negotations.

Jo Leinen provided feedback from the meeting with Christina Figueras of the UNFCCC that took place on Monday 6 December. The key message from Mrs Figueras was the need for negotiating Parties to find ‘balance’ between the two tracks of the negotiation.  Three areas are close to finding agreement:  the Green Fund, a deal on technology transfer and possibly REDD+ . However, everything is blocked until the US and China show signs of shifting their position.  Bolivia is still about the rights of indigenous populations within REDD+.  The issue of 'fair transition' which is being advocated by the trade unions have not appeared in the long term share vision text. Canada, Japan and Russia have indicated that they do not want a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.

In order to help the complex negotiations in the next few days, the Mexican presidency is pushing for total transparency and inclusiveness in the negotiation in COP16. Using the Japanese example in Nagoya, the Mexican Presidency has asked the following working groups to be facilitated by Ministers from different countries:  Sweden and Granada on long term vision, Spain and Algeria on adaptation;  New Zealand and Indonesia on mitigation and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV); Australia and Bangladesh on capacity building, finance and technology transfer, UK and Brazil on Kyoto Protocol.

Photo credit: Susana González/EP

We arrive in Cancun

After a long trip, we arrived in Cancun late last night. We flew over northern Europe and  America which was white and wintery. Mexico, in comparison, -and its weather - is  warm and welcoming.  This  morning,  we went to get accreditated: no queues and no hassle.

Some went to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) meeting, others went to check out the Cancun Messe and the Moon Palace . The ghost of Copenhagen past has finally been burried.  Will the upcoming negotiations go as smoothly as the welcome?

The delegation met with Christiana Figueres of the UNFCCC this evening.  Jo Leinen is meeting with the Presidency and the Commission. The rest of the delegation are recovering from the trip and preparing for the next few days of climate meetings.

"Prospects for a climate deal: There is still hope", by Kriton Arsenis

The new International Climate Change Conference started on Monday in Cancun, Mexico. However, after the failure in Copenhagen expectations are low.

The result will depend heavily on the stance of the two biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters, China and USA. The rejection of the Cap and Trade Bill in the US Congress, the recent election results and the loss of the Democratic Party's majority in the Senate, draw however a gloomy picture on USA's political willingness and ability to ratify an international agreement to reduce GHG emissions.

China, on the other hand, has a stagnant stance in international negotiations but takes mitigation measures unilaterally. Although China refused at Copenhagen last year to allow international agreement on the setting of CO2 reduction targets, it invests heavily on clean energy, and announces the approval of a national Climate Change law, introducing a number of mandatory requirements, regardless of the international efforts.

The only hope now is that the successful results in the COP 10 Biodiversity Conference in Nagoya will create a new dynamic in the negotiations under the UNFCCC.

The Conference aims at "revealing" the details and the structure of the 30 billion dollar fund pledged under the Copenhagen Accord, whose aim is to provide less developed countries with finance for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Furthermore, a revised mitigation and adaptation mechanism known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+) will be negotiated. This is an effort to strengthen the role of biodiversity conservation in mitigating climate change and to create financial value for the carbon stored in forests, offering incentives for developing countries to reduce emissions from forested lands and invest in low-carbon paths to sustainable development.

The failure to conclude an agreement in either of these two issues would signal the possible collapse of the negotiations on a climate deal, leaving the final hope of mankind on unilateral measures taken by each country separately.

Whatever the expectations for Cancun may be, the Mexican Presidency will have the chance to turn the meeting into a success. The case of Japan that led the world to two very important agreements i.e. the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and last month's agreement on biodiversity in Nagoya sets a precedent that all countries hosting international environmental negotiations should study carefully. It shows that when a host country is proactive in proposing compromises which take everyone's views on board, and manages the negotiations in a determined and effective manner, miracles can happen.