S&D are ready to work with the Commission for the success in Cancun

The European Parliament supports the progressive initiative to push for a 30 per cent reduction of CO2 emissions instead of just 20 per cent before 2020.

S&D made it clear during the plenary debate on the Cancun Climate talks: we should not wait for US or China to implement the right environmental policy. It will be good both for the environment and for job creation.

The European commissioner for Climate Connie Hedegaard told MEPs that she will be informing them "at every stage in the process of the negotiation in Cancun."

The committed herself to daily brief the delegation. "We'll be closely working together," she promised.

S&D want to see the EU speaking with one voice and trying to get as many actors on board as possible to push a more ambitious agenda.

Vicepresident Marita Ulvskog calls for optimism and hard work: "Let's not have low expectations for Cancun! We need to act together with others in many important decisions that will be decided in Cancun with regards to forestry issues, the Kyoto commitments... If we act together we could pave the way for a 2011 international climate agreement," she said.

"The Parliament will be the EU watchdog in Cancun", says Leinen in Facebook live chat

For half an hour this morning Jo Leinen answered the questions sent to him by Facebook and Twitter. You can read all questions and answers here, or check Jo Leinen's web.

Here are some excerpts:

European Parliament Mr Leinen, how high is the risk that the climate conference in Cancun fails like the one in Copenhagen last year? Which role could the European Parliament delegation play there?

Jo Leinen I hope for a better outcome with a whole set of concrete decisions.The Parliament will be the watchdog that the EU fullfills its promises.

Alex Lemarin Mr Leinen, I guess the European Parliament will only have an observer status in Cancun. Will it have any real weight in the negotiations? Because I have the feeling it's only about national governments in these UN conferences…

Jo Leinen ‎The Parliaments are the citizens' chambers that have to control their executives. We are meeting with a lot of Parliaments around the world to pressure our governments for successful outcome of Cancun negotiations.

Marko Vuković Don't you think that going for 30 percent reduction in emissions could hurt European industry even as competitors with lower environmental standards gain market share?

Jo Leinen : We have potential in increasing the renewable energies and the efficiency standards in our buildings and our transport systems. These are sectors not directly related to global competition but boosting our EU economy.

Mark Meyerberg Herr Leinen, after the elections in the US the situation seems to be worse than ever. Is there any hope that there will be an international agreement even on paper before Kyoto expires??

Jo Leinen : We are very concerned about the situation in the US. Nevertheless the Obama administration wants to regulate climate gases and fulfill its promise of 17% Co2 reductions. On forest protection and technology transfer we can have solutions with the US.

Chiara Donadoni Dear Mr Leinen, Do you think the circumstances are much different now compared to Copenhagen, in order to avoid a similar disappointment?

Jo Leinen: The Mexicans promised an inclusive negotiations procedure to have all interest groups around the table. This is an hopeful starting point for decisions on concrete items. Everyone knows that the clock is ticking.

Giorgos Ch'Ioannidis Climate change is strongly related with economic issues. Is there any economic policy suggested that enhances the efficiency of negotiations that drive to future solutions?

Jo Leinen : A low carbon economy means a certain industrial revolution with a lot of possibilities for investment and jobs. This might be a way out of the current economic crisis in Europe.

Ana Maria Millan Good morning Mr Leinen. I would like to ask about the emissions from the water industry, associated with the need to treat wastewater to comply with the stringent environmental EU Directives. How can you balance the overall need to reduce carbon emissions against the need to meet environmental requirements? And also, who pays?

Jo Leinen : We have the polluter pays principle in the EU but need to look also at social justice. Cleaning up our rivers and our drinking water is a must even beyond the fight against climate change.

Max Mueller Climate change concerns all of us. Why is this topic not all over the media. The EU should also communicate more on this issue...This interview should ve been done when ppl actually have time to participate...

Jo Leinen : You are right, there should be more public debate and information about climate change. I participate in many meetings from school classes to any other event.

Live Chat with Jo Leinen: Tomorrow on Facebook

Ahead of the vote on a resolution on Cancun, the chairman of the Environment committee in the European Parliament will chat with all of those interested in knowing more about the upcoming negotiations on climate change.

Don't miss it! He will be answering all your questions on Tuesday 23rd November from 10:30 to 11:00.

You can follow it on http://facebook.com/europeanparliament

You can also send your question via Twitter, using the hashtag #MEPChat

Leinen calls for an alliance of countries committed to reducing greenhouse emissions

Jo Leinen, who will be leading the 15-MEP delegations to the negotiations in Cancún, today said that signals from Washington are "not optimistic". There is a risk that talks could stall again over differences between the US and China.

"We need to build a critical mass of countries committed to reducing greenhouse emissions. Clearly, the size of this coalition of countries willing to fight for climate justice will have to be bigger than existed in Copenhagen."

The European Parliament will call for fast-track financing to fight global warming and will encourage the European Commission and Council to show clear willingness to seek a comprehensive reduction of CO2 emissions.

A resolution will be voted in Strasbourg next week.

Leinen also announced the S&D Group would like to see the Commission say that it will go to a 30 per cent reduction by 2020, beyond the 20 per cent reduction of CO2 emissions already agreed.

"Unless we have this higher figure it is generally agreed that we will miss the target of reducing global warming by two degree centigrade. This would be good for our planet and good for our economies," Jo Leinen said.

Countdown to Cancun Summit

Everything is ready for the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun from November 29 to December 10, 2010. Governments across the world need to put the negotiations back on track, following the disappointing outcome in Copenhagen. A global deal to fight climate change is more necessary than ever and the financial crisis cannot be an excuse to do nothing.

Socialists and Democrats are ready to go to Cancun and work both with government representatives and civil society to broker an agreement on our main three goals: reducing emissions, creating more green jobs and funding developing countries adjust to climate change. It is a matter of long-term responsibility and of global justice.

These are the same principles that we have maintained since since the climate change conference in Bali in 2007.

Two weeks ahead of the COP-16 meeting in Mexico, we are re-launching this blog to keep you informed on developments.

S&D MEPs are calling for an inclusive conference, as promised by the Mexican ambassador when she spoke to MEPs this week. Marita Ulvskog, the S&D vice president, and the four other MEPs are ready to work with civil society and NGOs to push forward our progressive agenda.

These are the S&D MEPs going to Cancun:

Marita Ulvskog
Jo Leinen
Linda McAvan
Dan Jørgensen
Kriton Arsenis